Catskills Comfrey Original on display

What Customers Say About Catskills Comfrey CBD Creams

Per FDA guidelines, specific diseases and claims cannot be expressed; where applicable, the conditions have been redacted.

It’s so much better…

“I love this product [Original w/ Burdock Root option]. I started using it on my face when I developed dermatitis there. It’s so much better than the chemical gel the dermatologist prescribed! I use it on my entire face. It’s a great moisturizer and my face looks terrific.

- Theresa S., Saratoga Springs, NY, Nov 2021

Works Great with His —REDACTED—

...My husband loves the product & it [CBD Premium] works great with his —REDACTED—. ... Ellen L [Castleton VT, Oct 2020]

Better for my bursitis, elbow and especially hornets’ stings

... As it turns out, I have trochanteric bursitis, from running, and ended up with a cortisone injection in the hip a few weeks ago. I continue however, to use the CBD [ointment] as the pain is not totally resolved. I am finding it helpful. I am also using it in my elbow which is sore from playing pickleball and it has been very helpful with that.

On another note, I had previously purchased the comfrey product and have been using it on a wound I sustained while bushwhacking in the Catskills. I also stepped into a ground hornets nest on the same hike and this product [Original] was better for my stings than hydrocortisone or calamine, both of which I tried first! I am now ordering the comfrey with calendula [Arnica & Calendula] as I am almost out of the comfrey. Thanks again for these products! … Sharon D [Ballston Lake NY, Aug 2020]

I was amazed at how the pain subsided

I wanted to tell you that about three weeks ago I slammed my right foot, ride side, into a corner door, it spread the small and next toe forcefully apart from the foot. I didn’t break anything but the black skin, strain and swelling took over the whole right side of the right foot. I tried Arnica for a week with some temporaryrelief-but kept being painful. Of course I kept hitting the same foot by mistake the next week. Now swollen and black and blue for only 4 days applied Catskills-Comfrey Original- and I was amazed at how the pain subsided, flexing the toes, bruising diminished, and overall the foot is quickly healing.

I wanted to thank you for your product! … Pat C (Santa Fe NM, Aug 2020]

—REDACTED— Down, —REDACTED— decreased

In September 2019, I fell on my hand and broke two fingers. They healed without any problem, however, the back of my hand was impacted in such a way that my hand remained stiff and hurt for months. In June, I ordered Catskills Comfrey, the Original version. I have been applying it every day, at least twice a day. The —REDACTED— went down and the —REDACTED— decreased. … Irene K (Martinez CA, Jul 2020)

One jar, two beneficiaries

...I had given the jar of salve to my husband's boss for post knee surgery. He felt immediate relief and his wife who massaged it for him said it helped her hands tremendously!... Amy T (Margaretville NY, Jul 2020)

the only beauty product I needed

...Last year, I traveled all over the coast of Mexico with only 1 jar of [the Original] salve and boy did I need it!...I wished I had 12 jars! Between the endless mosquito bites, the itchy no-see-ums, sunburn, blisters, and heat rash...the salve was the only beauty product I needed … Lindsay D (Aiken SC, Apr 2020)

They look SO much better already

… I have been enjoying your arnica and calendula salve since February 2019. I bought twice through Amazon, but your very considerate and gracious note that came with my second order was very unexpected and really stuck with me. …

I have had four major surgeries (over five hours each) along with a 3+ day hospital stay with each. I’ve had all the bones in both legs broken. The left femur was broken twice because I fell three weeks after the first surgery. Anyway, I used the Arnica and Calendula on the left incisions religiously. I misplaced the jar which had some left and then lost track of time. Long story short, my right side (surgery on left was 11.11.19) look terrible. I ordered another jar of Arnica/Calendula through Amazon. Have been using it 2xs/day and my —REDACTED— (five of them, one is about 8 inches long, outside of my thigh where everyone can see it) and a 5 inch cut down my tibia. It is purplish and really noticeable. They look SO much better already.

I am naturally a skeptical person so I know that it actually works. I expected it not to. Others have all noticed the change in the right leg already. My assistant at work who is very direct and doesn’t blow smoke, as well as my physical therapist.

Anyway, I’ll stop going on about how much it has helped me. … Laura F [Woodside CA, Mar 2020]

Best CBD Topicals - Ministry of HEMP

Best CBD Topicals: Reviews Of The Best CBD Creams & Salve Ministry of Hemp [online, Feb 2020]

Relief for —REDACTED—-related joint —REDACTED—

…I think it's safe to say your CBD provides temporary relief for minor —REDACTED—-related joint pain.... Dan M [Ft Worth TX, Feb 2020]

my doctors are very impressed

In september I broke my elbow in multiple places, My foot and hand. I've been massaging my arm and hand with your Original comfrey oil and my doctors are very impressed with how quickly i am healing. I wanted to say a big thank you. ~ Lucie Y [NYC NY, Oct 2019]

this product was remarkable…thrilled with the results

I discovered Catskills Comfrey [Arnica & Calendula] while vacationing in the Catskills. I had developed a skin problem behind both knees; —REDACTED—. I tried many products to no avail. This product was remarkable and I’ve been thrilled with the results! ~ Pamela L [Fanwood NJ, Oct 2019]

This ointment has warmed my body

I have a crooked body, which also has poor circulation in my legs. I also have degenerative arthritis in all five discs in the lumbar area and 3 discs in my neck. Lots of nerve pain around the clock in legs and neck. This [Original] ointment has warmed my body and also relaxed it a bit. I have stiffness all the time and this herb seems to enter my skin and calm the nerves and also relax the poor muscles ... ~ Maya L [Albany NY, Aug 2019]

it works wonders on it

...I had skiing accident and injured my knee - —REDACTED—. It [CBD ointment] works wonders on it. Also car accident injury to my ankle (crushed) and tendinitis from word processing and works great on —REDACTED— from old injuries... ~ Beth S [Denver NY, Aug 2019]

my pain has subsided from an 8 to 3

“…I have been using the CBD Comfrey [sample] daily. ... The most important aspect of using the CBD is that my pain has subsided from an 8 to 3 or 4 on a scale of 1 to 10….” ~ Mark Burek [Castleton NY, Mar 2019]

Short Video

View a video of Mark Burek discussing his Parkinson’s Disease and treatment at Albany Medical Center.

Parkinson’s Disease

For more information about Parkinson’s, please visit HopeSoars, a non-profit organization in the Albany NY area.

“Curing Parkinson’s is our goal ~ living with Parkinson’s is our approach.”

It wasn’t going away until I used your comfrey

“…I have been using the jar you gave us on my left knee, which has been sore for some months.  It was self-diagnosed as an inflammation of that sac that is inside the knee, but it wasn't going away until I used your comfrey, so thanks!” ~ Keith C [Santa Fe NM, Mar 2019]


“....he says it takes about an hour for the —REDACTED— relief to be felt and the —REDACTED— relief lasts about 8 hours. He feels that your CBD [ointment] +THC definitely works better than the CBD creams he has used in the past.  Our only complaint is the consistency is somewhat runny. ... we will definitely be ordering some. .... “ ~ Sue D [Little Rock AR, Mar 2019]

Very effective

“I find your comfrey with arnica and calendula very effective. Used it today on an —REDACTED— on my arm and was very pleased with the —REDACTED— relief and decreased redness it provided.” ~ Sue D [Little Rock AR, Feb 2019]

It’s a great product & good quality

“I’m in Canada and still received shipment very fast. It’s a great product and good quality! I had an —REDACTED— breakout on my chin and it was almost clear in 24 hours. Excited it helps so much with scarring. Thank you!” ~ Leleah [British Columbia, Canada, Oct 2018]

So far so good

“Most mornings I would have to unbend his pinky - that’s all been set right now. He even said he’s getting back his quickness of motion on that hand. Yay! Which is great since he’s moving his music toward a Celtic/bluegrass fusion. On the other hand (literally), his index finger has the more stubborn Trigger Finger [symptoms] - the comfrey is definitely helping, it just needs a little more time. But, he is religious about his application - morning, midday before work, and before bed. In a nutshell, so far so good!” ~ Lisa R [Essex Junction VT, Sep 2018]

catskills comfrey is beyond wonderful

“I received my 1oz. Catskills Comfrey and it is beyond wonderful. Thank you very much. Recently, I slipped on the ice and have been struggling with leg/knee, hamstring and back pain. Upon receiving your salve, I immediately applied to areas of discomfort. Without exaggeration, on day two I had no agonizing pain. I’m ordering the 4oz for myself, while purchasing the 1oz for a co-worker who also fell recently and has pain in her hip and back. When I shared what I was using, she was curious and interested. So, this will be my gift to her in hopes that she too will receive the ultimate benefit and relief that I have.” ~ Stephanie B [CHHA/Caregiver, Margaretville NY, Feb 2017]

this ointment was a godsend

“My skin is definitely better. It was so dry and the balm was a real help in healing the painful —REDACTED—. I really appreciate all your research and hard work in making this available. It’s a BIG help! My cuticles were —REDACTED— after being in the desert and this ointment was a Godsend. My hands are also much softer.” ~ Katy C. [Hiker, San Francisco CA, Nov 2016]

The effect was felt within days

“My wife, who has studied herbology, first employed comfrey to good benefit when she cracked her pelvis. She had applied a comfrey-poultice- and that night she was able to sleep without —REDACTED—. Later, I developed —REDACTED— and suffered severe, frequent finger locking on my right hand, with minor symptoms in my left. I first tried a sea-salt poultice to alleviate the symptoms to minimal improvement. But when I tried an ointment of our comfrey infused in coconut and olive oil, the effect was felt within days. I experienced significant reduction in the intensity, frequency and severity of the —REDACTED— symptoms. Whereas before, I might have had 10+ occurrences a day, especially in the morning, where I had to pop my finger back, I rarely experience this severity of —REDACTED— anymore.” ~ Seth Hersh, Fleischmanns NY [caveat: the creator of Catskills Comfrey]